Thursday, February 14, 2013

Where do you see yourself in five years?

It's a standard interview question, and one that doesn't seem like it should be too difficult to answer.  After all, it's entirely subjective, and can pretty easily be tailored to whatever you think your interviewer wants to hear.  Yet somehow, whenever someone poses this question to me, or even the more basic "what do you want to do?," silence, or more embarrassingly, nonsensical rambling, is the only answer I can give.  Sometimes I think it's because I don't know what I want.  Honestly though, that's not true (and it's not really that I don't want to say what I want either, though that's sometimes something I'm not great at).  I do know what I want, and I can actually articulate it pretty well...when I'm not being interviewed (or grilled by every person I meet see these days).

The truth is, I want more of Jesus.  And I think that means becoming more and more a Jesus-followerExperiencing more of who He is and doing more of what He does.  I think that means loving the last and the least and working on their behalf.

So where I see myself in five years is here:
Living so that Moises has a place to call home, a chance to go to school, and the freedom to always be sass central.

Living so that Gracie-girl doesn't have to be subjected to FGM and married off at an early age to a man who is not concerned with loving her and instead can go to school and make hundreds of instant friends with her sweet smile.
Living so that people like this guy can have a house that isn't sliding farther into a ditch every time it rains and have the opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty and be treated with human dignity. 
Living so that no one has to fear being trafficked or enslaved.
Living so that everyone, wherever they live, can know the love of a Savior and experience Jesus.

Sorry I don't know what that looks like for my career-path yet, but I'm working on it.

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